
Monday 30 June 2008

CP27 : Code of Ethics for PCN Certificate Holders

Individuals certified within the PCN Scheme must recognise that personal integrity and professional competence are the fundamental principles on which their testing activities are founded. Accordingly, it is a condition of PCN certification that certificate holders shall undertake to:

1. comply with this code of ethics;
2. undertake only those non-destructive testing assignments for which they are competent by virtue of their training, qualification and experience;
3. only sign documents for work of which they have personal professional knowledge and/or direct supervisory control;
4. engage, or advise the engagement of, such specialists as are required to enable assignments to be properly completed;
5. conduct themselves in a responsible manner and utilize fair and equitable business practices in dealing with colleagues, clients and associates;
6. at all times, be aware of and uphold the provisions/ requirements of codes, regulations and standards under which they are working;
7. immediately report to their supervisor/employer any perceived violation(s) of codes, regulations or standards. In the event that their supervisor/employer provides no satisfactory explanation or takes no corrective action, the certified individual shall report the situation direct to the British Institute of NDT;
8. perform their professional duties with proper regard for the physical environment and the safety, health and well-being of the public;
9. protect to the fullest extent possible, consistent with the well being of the public and the provisions of this code of ethics, any information given to them in confidence by an employer, colleague or member of the public;
10. avoid conflicts of interest with the employer or client, but when unavoidable, forthwith disclose the circumstances to the employer or client;
11. strive to maintain their proficiency by updating their technical knowledge as required to properly practice NDT in the certified methods and levels.
12. indicate to the employer or client any adverse consequences which may result from an overruling of their technical judgment by a non-technical authority;
13. not falsify nor permit misrepresentation of their own or their associate’s academic or professional qualifications, training, experience or work responsibilities;
14. refrain from making unjustified statements or from performing unethical acts which would discredit the PCN scheme;
15. immediately report to the British Institute of NDT any perceived violation(s) of this code of ethics;

16. immediately report to the British Institute of NDT any attempt to pressure or force an individual certified under the PCN Scheme to violate this code of ethics;
17. inform their employer in the event that their PCN certificate is suspended, cancelled or withdrawn.

Source : BINDT