
Thursday 7 October 2010

Iran breaks gasoline production record

Deputy Oil Minister Alireza Zeighami says Iran has broken the record in gasoline production with an output of 66.5 million liters per day.

"Next year 27 million liters will be added to the country's gasoline production," said the Iranian oil official.

While Iran is the second-biggest crude oil producer in the Middle East, its limited refining capacity forced it to depend on imports to meet domestic demand for gasoline.

However, according to Iranian officials, the country has now reached self- sufficiency in gasoline production.

"Gasoline production projects are already underway at Shazand, Abadan, and Tehran refineries and we are trying to boost their production capacity by the yearend (Iran's calendar year ends on March 20)," he told SHANA.

In June, the UN Security Council imposed a fourth round of sanctions on Iran over its nuclear activities over accusations that the country is pursuing a military nuclear program.

Tehran has repeatedly refuted such allegations and maintains it has the right to use nuclear technology for civilian purposes as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The US-engineered UN Sanctions mainly target Iran's energy and financial sectors. -