
Thursday 31 March 2011

Worker dies at Exxon Mobil Singapore refinery

Exxon Mobil Corp. says that one worker was killed and another critically injured late Monday during maintenance work at its Singapore Jurong refinery.

Exxon Mobil said in a statement Tuesday that two contractors were found unconscious in an enclosed space filled with nitrogen.

A 34-year-old Indian national died later at a hospital while the other worker is in critical condition.

The company said it is cooperating with authorities to investigate the cause of the incident.

Exxon Mobil said it suspended maintenance at the 605,000 barrels per day capacity plant, which manufactures a wide range of fuels, lubricants and specialty products that are sold in Singapore and exported to Asia.

    • Inspeksi Migas kebanyakan kontraktor yg kena yaaa
      30 March at 12:40 ·
    • Grudy HjRamli Didn't e gas detector detect e gas?? Wow dat really sounds so messed up..sorry to hear dat..
      30 March at 16:09 ·
    • Dunia NDT & Inspection safety 1st buddy. Make sure u guys have valid Entry Permit b4 enter any confined spaces.
      30 March at 23:43 ·
    • Hernandez Chuck that right...sfty 1st...n please make sure hve standby man for cnfine space...
      31 March at 00:10 ·
    • Peck Ong All major oil & gas company has confined space work procedure but most of the time testing procedure may not have carried out accordingly due to negligence. It is one of the most dangerous place to work because most toxic gases are odourless.
      31 March at 00:38 ·
    • Dunia NDT & Inspection U r absolutely right Mr Peck. The procedure is there. JSA & HIRA done, but we are still weak in implementation & execution. Be proactive guys. Thinks bout ur self & people after u
      31 March at 11:42 · · 1 person
    • Grudy HjRamli Couldn't agree more..
      31 March at 13:10 · · 1 person