
Sunday 31 July 2011

Gas find off Sabah west coast

Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, the exploration and production arm of Petronas, has made two significant gas discoveries in the shallow waters off west coast of Sabah.

In a statement, Petronas said the first discovery was via the Zuhai East-1 well, which was located in the Samarang Asam Paya Block about 130km south-west of Kota Kinabalu.

"The current estimate of gas-initially-in-place is about 550 billion standard cu ft," it said.

Similar reservoirs in a nearby well about 5 km to the east of the Zuhai East discovery were tested to flow gas at a maximum rate of 21 million standard cu ft per day, it said.

Petronas Carigali is the sole equity holder of the production-sharing contract (PSC) of the Samarang Asam Paya Block.

It said the second discovery, at the Menggatal-1 well, was located in Block SB312, about 110km north-east of Kota Kinabalu.

"The Block SB312 PSC is a joint-venture between Petronas Carigali with 60 per cent equity and KUFPEC Malaysia (SB 312) Ltd, a subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co, which holds the remaining interest," it said.