
Saturday 13 August 2011

Keppel to deliver ultra deepwater rig to Saipem

Keppel FELS says it is on track to deliver Scarabeo 9, a sixth-generation ultra-deepwater semisubmersible drilling rig, to Saipem on time and with no lost time incidents.

The company says that a significant part of its workscope on the rig involved the completion and commissioning of marine and drilling systems onboard. The Frigstad D90 semisubmersible rig is equipped with a Dynamic Positioning 3 system and will be capable of operating in water depths of up to 3,600 meters (11,810 ft).

Keppel’s current projects for Saipem include the completion of a newbuild pipe laying vessel, Castorone, which is being jointly undertaken by Keppel Shipyard and Keppel Singmarine.

Saipem has also previously sent the Saipem 7000, a semisubmersible crane and pipelaying vessel, for drydocking at the Keppel Verolme shipyard in the Netherlands in 2007. More recently, Keppel Verolme completed the repair and modification of the semisubmersible pipelay vessel, Castoro Sei.