
Friday 11 May 2012

Aker Solutions gets contract from Murphy Sabah Oil

Murphy Sabah Oil has awarded a contract to Aker Solutions to deliver a sub-sea production system for the Siakap North-Petai deepwater development, off Sabah.

According to Aker Solutions, it said on Wednesday the contract will be delivered out of its sub-sea manufacturing centre in Port Klang. The value of the contract was not disclosed.

Siakap North-Petai is located offshore Sabah, in a water depth of 1400 metres. The subsea production system will be tied back to Murphy's Kikeh floating production storage and offloading vessel.

"The scope of work includes 13 subsea trees, eight manifolds, well jumpers, engineering for topside controls and lifecycle support services. The first hardware delivery is scheduled for Q1 2013," it said.