
Thursday 13 September 2012

Australian Roc Oil rolling on Balai Cluster appraisal effort

Australian independent Roc Oil has kicked off drilling of the first probe in a multi-well appraisal programme on the Balai Cluster off Malaysia as the partners prepare the way for the four-field development.

The Bentara 2 well, with a target depth of 2750 metres, was spudded on Tuesday as part of the pre-development phase launched by operating consortium BC Petroleum earlier this year for the Balai, Bentara, West Acis and Spaoh fields that make up the cluster off Sarawak.

Drilling work is being carried out from the first of four tarpons to be installed under the preliminary phase, which is expected to be completed early next year.

A decision whether to move forward on full field development is likely to be made next year, conditional on successful completion of appraisal work and the economic viability of the project, after which a development plan would be submitted.

Partners in BC Petroleum, which operates the Balai Cluster risk service contract, are Roc with 48%, Dialog Group on 32% and Petronas Carigali with 20%.