
Thursday 20 September 2012

Lundin takes aim west of Janglau oil find

Sweden’s Lundin Petroleum has spudded an exploration probe aiming to tap potential west of its Janglau oil find off the east coast of peninsular Malaysia.

Seadrill's West Courageous rig is to drill the Merawan Batu 1 well at block PM308B to a depth of 3584 metres in around 60 metres water depth.

The well will target hydrocarbons in Oligocene aged sands in a faulted anticline in an undrilled area 50 kilometres west of 2011’s Janglau discovery by the Swedish independent in PM308A.

Lundin Petroleum holds a 75% stake in the Penyu basin block with Petronas on 25%.

The same rig discovered gas last week elsewhere offshore Malaysia with the Berangan 1 well, the third find within two years at the SB303 block.