
Thursday 15 May 2014

Lundin Bertam project enters construction phase offshore Malaysia

Lundin Petroleum says its Bertam oil field development offshore Peninsular Malaysia is on schedule for start-up in spring 2015.

The field, in the PM307 block, will be developed using a 20 slot wellhead platform alongside the spread-moored Ikdam FPSO.

Development drilling will start this summer. Lundin plans 13 horizontal wells and one deviated well completed with electrical submersible pumps.

TH Heavy Engineering is building the platform at its yard in Pulau Indah, close to Kuala Lumpur. The jacket is expected to be installed offshore this summer, followed by the topside during 4Q.

Keppel Shipyard is managing the FPSO life extension program in Singapore, with completion likely late this year.

Total costs of the project, excluding FPSO-related work, could reach $400 million. Bertam, which hold estimated reserves of 18.2 MMboe, will produce around 15,000 b/d of oil at peak.

Lundin plans to appraise its 2012 Tembakau offshore gas discovery, which could hold 306 bcf, using the same jackup performing the Bertam development campaign. The Tembakau well is expected to spud before mid-year.

This year the company also plans two exploration wells in PM307 on the Rengas and Mengkuang-1 oil prospects, to be drilled by the same rig when the Bertam topsides are installed.

Offshore East Sabah, the company continues to evaluate for a cluster development of its Berangan, Tarap, Cempulut, and Titik Terang gas discoveries in block SB303, which could hold combined resources of 347 bcf.

Following processing of last year’s 500-sq km (193-sq mi) Emerald 3D survey on offshore block SB307 Lundin has identified two drillable prospects, Maligan and Kitabu.

Kitabu is on trend with Shell’s producing SF30 and South Furious fields. It will be drilled during 3Q 2014 with Maligan’s well probably left to 2015.

Last year, Lundin acquired 462 sq km (178 sq mi) of 3D seismic (Francis 3D) over SB307/308. Processing is expected to be completed soon.