Menurut Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas, Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas, usaha bagi merealisasikan projek tersebut kini tidak menentu dan pihaknya tidak dapat membuat Keputusan Pelaburan Akhir (FID) mengenainya menjelang akhir tahun ini.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Petronas akan henti projek LNG RM32b di Kanada?
Menurut Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas, Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas, usaha bagi merealisasikan projek tersebut kini tidak menentu dan pihaknya tidak dapat membuat Keputusan Pelaburan Akhir (FID) mengenainya menjelang akhir tahun ini.
Petronas targets Latin America expansion
Petronas President and Group CEO, Tan Sri Dato’ Shamsul Azhar Abbas on 25 September 2014 inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation with the Director General of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya Austin purposed at furthering business opportunities and mutual co-operation between the two national oil companies.
With this, PETRONAS and Pemex will explore appropriate mechanisms through which there will be an exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices for activities related to deepwater projects, mature fields, heavy and extra heavy crudes, as well as the possibility to develop projects related to natural gas and infrastructure.
With this, PETRONAS and Pemex will explore appropriate mechanisms through which there will be an exchange of experience, knowledge and best practices for activities related to deepwater projects, mature fields, heavy and extra heavy crudes, as well as the possibility to develop projects related to natural gas and infrastructure.
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Sebelum nuklear, bangunkan teknologi Waste-to-Energy
DEWAN Rakyat kembali bersidang pada 7 Oktober 2014. Selain Belanjawan Tahunan yang menjadi fokus seluruh negara, beberapa Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) yang mungkin dibentangkan untuk bacaan kali pertama juga bakal menjadi tumpuan.
Pada awal bulan Ogos, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Mah Siew Keong, yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyelia Perbadanan Tenaga Nuklear Malaysia (MNPC) telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Rang Undang-undang (RUU) Kawal Selia Tenaga Atom yang kini masih berada di peringkat draf memberi penekanan terhadap aspek keselamatan penggunaan tenaga atom selaras dengan garis panduan yang ditetapkan Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) dijangka dibentang di Parlimen hujung tahun ini.
Pada awal bulan Ogos, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Mah Siew Keong, yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyelia Perbadanan Tenaga Nuklear Malaysia (MNPC) telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa Rang Undang-undang (RUU) Kawal Selia Tenaga Atom yang kini masih berada di peringkat draf memberi penekanan terhadap aspek keselamatan penggunaan tenaga atom selaras dengan garis panduan yang ditetapkan Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) dijangka dibentang di Parlimen hujung tahun ini.
Lundin Petroleum acquires interest in PM328, offshore Malaysia
Lundin Petroleum, through its wholly owned subsidiary Lundin Malaysia B.V. (Lundin Malaysia), has entered into agreements to acquire a 50 percent interest in PM328, and operatorship of the block, from PETRONAS Carigali. The effective date of the transaction is 31st August 2014.
PM328 is located offshore Malaysia, north east of PM307 which is also operated by Lundin Malaysia. PM328 covers an area of 5,600 square kilometres.
PM328 is located offshore Malaysia, north east of PM307 which is also operated by Lundin Malaysia. PM328 covers an area of 5,600 square kilometres.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Petronas closer to completing world’s first floating LNG facility in S. Korea
The first topside module is to be installed on Petronas' floating liquefied natural gas facility which is being constructed at Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering shipyard in Okpo, South Korea. - Petronas
Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) has commenced the lifting of the first topside module for its floating liquefied natural gas (PFLNG1) facility at the Quayside of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME) shipyard in Okpo, South Korea.
The topside module lifting marks another major construction milestone for the facility, as it signifies the near completion of the PFLNG1, which will be the world’s first floating LNG facility in operation.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Petronas implements 10 EOR projects
Executive director Datuk Mohamad Idris Mansor said the entire programme will be rolled out in phases over the next decade.
SapuraKencana unit discovers gas offshore Sarawak
SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd’s unit, SapuraKencana Energy (SKE), has discovered gas at Bakong-1, the fifth and final well in its 2014 drilling campaign within the SK408 production-sharing contract area offshore Sarawak.
The newest discovery is the biggest in terms of gross gas column, which is in excess of 600 m in the primary target reservoir located within the Late Miocene Carbonate reservoirs, bringing the total gas discovered to more than three trillion standard cu ft of gas in-place.
The newest discovery is the biggest in terms of gross gas column, which is in excess of 600 m in the primary target reservoir located within the Late Miocene Carbonate reservoirs, bringing the total gas discovered to more than three trillion standard cu ft of gas in-place.
Shell begins work on Malaysia deep water field
The Malikai development involves 17 wells drilled from a 23,500 tonne tension leg platform production facility, the first TLP to be fabricated and installed in Malaysia.
Norwegian firm, Norshore’s first drilling and intervention vessel, NorshoreAtlantic has started a contract with Sabah Shell Petroleum Company on the Malikai field offshore Malaysia. The work involves batch drilling eight top holes in 475m water depth and is expected to run for about 75-130 days.
The Malikai oil field is 100 km offshore Sabah, Malaysia. The field, in up to 500m water depth, is part of the Block G Production Sharing Contract awarded by PETRONAS in 1995. Operated by Sabah Shell Petroleum Company. Shell and ConocoPhillips each holds 35 per cent interest in the development while PETRONAS Carigali has 30 per cent.
Monday, 22 September 2014
PETRONAS to allocate RM430m for forward bases in Esszone, Sabah
Two forward bases to be located in Sabah waters will be completed by April next year, in a move to thwart all threats and strengthen security along Malaysian waters, said Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.
He said one of the forward bases would be at a Petronas petroleum rig which was no longer in use, and its construction was expected to cost about RM230 million.
He said one of the forward bases would be at a Petronas petroleum rig which was no longer in use, and its construction was expected to cost about RM230 million.
Bantah pembinaan janakuasa nuklear di Malaysia
Pada tahun ini, kerajaan akan memilih lokasi bagi membina janakuasa nuklear. Seluruh rakyat perlu membantah usaha ini kerana akibatnya kepada negara kita amat buruk sekali. Penggunaan tenaga nuklear ada banyak keburukan, termasuklah:
1. Radiasi, yang mengakibatkan kanser, mencemarkan air, tanah dan udara
2. Bahan buangan radioaktif mengancam nyawa manusia dan akibat radiasinya adalah ribuan tahun.
3. Jika berlaku kecuaian @ kemalangan di janakuasa nuklear, sekalipun kemalangan kecil, akibatnya amat dahsyat.
4. Eutrofikasi menyebabkan akibat buruk pada hidupan air
1. Radiasi, yang mengakibatkan kanser, mencemarkan air, tanah dan udara
2. Bahan buangan radioaktif mengancam nyawa manusia dan akibat radiasinya adalah ribuan tahun.
3. Jika berlaku kecuaian @ kemalangan di janakuasa nuklear, sekalipun kemalangan kecil, akibatnya amat dahsyat.
4. Eutrofikasi menyebabkan akibat buruk pada hidupan air
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
ExxonMobil starts large-scale enhanced oil recovery project
ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia Inc, an ExxonMobil's unit has announced the startup of the Tapis enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project.
The Tapis EOR project is Malaysia’s first large-scale enhanced oil recovery project and will use the immiscible water-alternating-gas process to recover remaining oil reserves from the Tapis field.
It does this by gradually sweeping remaining oil to the producing wells, increasing the overall recovery of the field, the group said on Friday.
The Tapis EOR project is Malaysia’s first large-scale enhanced oil recovery project and will use the immiscible water-alternating-gas process to recover remaining oil reserves from the Tapis field.
It does this by gradually sweeping remaining oil to the producing wells, increasing the overall recovery of the field, the group said on Friday.
Priceworth expands into oil and gas sector
Priceworth International Bhd is expanding into the oil and gas (O&G) sector through a joint venture (JV) with Miri O&G company Semaring Enterprise Sdn Bhd.
Under the JV, Priceworth and Semaring Enterprise will seek O&G works from national oil company Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) and its partners with profit sharing contracts (PSC).
Semaring Enterprise is a licensed and registered contractor and supplier for Petronas and its PSC partners.
Priceworth signed the JV agreement through its wholly owned subsidiary Maxland Dockyard & Engineering Sdn Bhd.
“Priceworth is undertaking this proposed JV to mitigate any over-dependence on the core timber business, and seek alternate income streams.
“The outlook on the O&G industry remains positive, which makes this proposed JV a good strategy to use our existing facilities and infrastructure,” said managing director Andrew Lim in a statement yesterday.
Priceworth operates a shipyard in Seguntor, Sandakan, via Maxland Dockyard (formerly Maxland Shipyard Sdn Bhd). This shipyard includes a dockyard and engineering facility to fabricate and service vessels and barges.
“Priceworth’s shipyard is strategically located on the east coast of Sabah and will be the only one serving this area, providing cost savings in terms of travel distance. Other nearest shipyards are in Labuan or Sarawak,” he added.
“Semaring Enterprise has had a long track record in this sector since 1994. We have delivered over RM800mil in O&G works in the past four years,” said Semaring Enterprise director Dawat Gukang.
“We are pleased that Maxland Dockyard will become our technical and advisory partner in this sector,” he added.
Under the JV, Priceworth will provide Semaring Enterprise with technical and advisory services in tendering/competing/bidding for the award of O&G works from Petronas and its PSC partners.
Semaring Enterprise will be well-positioned to expand further into upstream drilling operations, namely, exploration and production, integrated facility maintenance, hook up and commissioning, installation and pipe maintenance, as well as fabrication and shipbuilding services.
Priceworth will also provide the services, expertise and support with respect to the performance, implementation and completion of any O&G works awarded to Semaring Enterprise by Petronas and its PSC partners.
The JV will share the net profits and costs as follows: 60% to Maxland Dockyard and 40% to Semaring Enterprise.
Priceworth, a fully integrated timber company, moved into sustainable forest management in 2009 and continues its transformation into a supplier of sustainable, renewable timber.
The group also ventured into the shipyard business in 2012 by building new vessels and performing maintenance services for external clients, besides maintaining its own fleet of vessels for timber delivery.
Under the JV, Priceworth and Semaring Enterprise will seek O&G works from national oil company Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) and its partners with profit sharing contracts (PSC).
Semaring Enterprise is a licensed and registered contractor and supplier for Petronas and its PSC partners.
Priceworth signed the JV agreement through its wholly owned subsidiary Maxland Dockyard & Engineering Sdn Bhd.
“Priceworth is undertaking this proposed JV to mitigate any over-dependence on the core timber business, and seek alternate income streams.
“The outlook on the O&G industry remains positive, which makes this proposed JV a good strategy to use our existing facilities and infrastructure,” said managing director Andrew Lim in a statement yesterday.
Priceworth operates a shipyard in Seguntor, Sandakan, via Maxland Dockyard (formerly Maxland Shipyard Sdn Bhd). This shipyard includes a dockyard and engineering facility to fabricate and service vessels and barges.
“Priceworth’s shipyard is strategically located on the east coast of Sabah and will be the only one serving this area, providing cost savings in terms of travel distance. Other nearest shipyards are in Labuan or Sarawak,” he added.
“Semaring Enterprise has had a long track record in this sector since 1994. We have delivered over RM800mil in O&G works in the past four years,” said Semaring Enterprise director Dawat Gukang.
“We are pleased that Maxland Dockyard will become our technical and advisory partner in this sector,” he added.
Under the JV, Priceworth will provide Semaring Enterprise with technical and advisory services in tendering/competing/bidding for the award of O&G works from Petronas and its PSC partners.
Semaring Enterprise will be well-positioned to expand further into upstream drilling operations, namely, exploration and production, integrated facility maintenance, hook up and commissioning, installation and pipe maintenance, as well as fabrication and shipbuilding services.
Priceworth will also provide the services, expertise and support with respect to the performance, implementation and completion of any O&G works awarded to Semaring Enterprise by Petronas and its PSC partners.
The JV will share the net profits and costs as follows: 60% to Maxland Dockyard and 40% to Semaring Enterprise.
Priceworth, a fully integrated timber company, moved into sustainable forest management in 2009 and continues its transformation into a supplier of sustainable, renewable timber.
The group also ventured into the shipyard business in 2012 by building new vessels and performing maintenance services for external clients, besides maintaining its own fleet of vessels for timber delivery.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
India’s Punj Lloyd bags Petronas’s RAPID Farm job worth US$581m
India’s Punj Lloyd Group, a specialist in engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services, yesterday announced the winning of a massive US$581 million Petroliam Nasional Bhd’s (Petronas) Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development (Rapid) Tank Farm project in Pengerang, Johor.
The announcement squashes talks of several big boys bandied to be potential beneficiaries for the job including SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd, Naim Holdings Bhd and Benelac Holdings Bhd.
The announcement squashes talks of several big boys bandied to be potential beneficiaries for the job including SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd, Naim Holdings Bhd and Benelac Holdings Bhd.
Malaysian oil and gas firms secure RM528 million sales in Norway
Malaysian companies have secured sales worth RM528.30 million during a specialised mission for the oil and gas (O&G) sector to Stavanger, Norway.
"Sales were generated for waste heat recovery unit, accommodation barge, gaskets, metal expansion joints and special valves as well as engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning business," said Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) in a statement.
Under the services sector, it said sales were recorded for geosurvey and geotechnical, pipeline inspection and non-destructive testing, oil recovery and consultancy, among others.
"It was a fruitful participation as we have managed to identify a few companies that are operating in Central Asia, which we are following up for registration purposes.
"Hopefully, tangible results can be obtained soon," said a mission participant, Zamrin Mohamed Daud of Oilfield Technical Inspection Sdn Bhd.
"Sales were generated for waste heat recovery unit, accommodation barge, gaskets, metal expansion joints and special valves as well as engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning business," said Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) in a statement.
Under the services sector, it said sales were recorded for geosurvey and geotechnical, pipeline inspection and non-destructive testing, oil recovery and consultancy, among others.
"It was a fruitful participation as we have managed to identify a few companies that are operating in Central Asia, which we are following up for registration purposes.
"Hopefully, tangible results can be obtained soon," said a mission participant, Zamrin Mohamed Daud of Oilfield Technical Inspection Sdn Bhd.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
First oil at Malaysian Peninsular's Banang
Petronas has said oil production has started on the second small field of the three-field cluster oil development off peninsular Malaysia.
The Kuala Lumpur-headquartered oil and gas company said that oil production had started at the Banang field in mid-July and was generating around 6000 barrels in daily output.
The Kuala Lumpur-headquartered oil and gas company said that oil production had started at the Banang field in mid-July and was generating around 6000 barrels in daily output.
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