
Sunday 14 May 2017

Natural Gas – Flipping The Switch

by Investvine - May 2017

Our brand new free 54-page report NATURAL GAS: FLIPPING THE SWITCH – Dawn of a New Era takes a close look at the current state of the natural gas industry both in Malaysia and the wider Southeast Asia region, as well as worldwide. It aims at making people familiar with the features and benefits of natural gas as compared to other energy sources, namely coal and oil, deciphering common myths and examining and highlighting the advantages of natural gas in terms of energy efficiency, environmental impact and costs.

The report puts Malaysia’s natural gas policy in perspective to other countries in Southeast Asia, and also versus large energy consumers such as the US, China and Europe, highlighting worldwide trends, future projections and environmental consequences.

Furthermore, in a broader approach, the report analyzes market-related and government-driven factors that influence the extent to which natural gas is used as an energy source for electricity generation and commercial or private consumption, taking into account environmental objectives and goals of countries to become more energy-efficient, particularly in comparison to coal use.

The report concludes with a future outlook as to where the industry will likely be moving over time, examines technology trends in exploration, emission reduction and environmental protection, as well as ways of supporting existing consumer applications of natural gas. for example, as a fuel for vehicles, district cooling, heating or industrial processes. The report also seeks to give inspiration to find new and innovative such applications and delivers suggestions for a sustainable energy policy for the 21st century.

To download the interactive report on your tablet, phone or computer.