
Monday 1 May 2017

Sabah SHELL Malikai project named best for design and engineering

The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) has awarded Shell Malaysia with the highest honour in design and engineering.

The IEM Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2017, presented to an oil and gas company for the first time in three decades, was awarded to Shell for its Malikai tension leg platform (TLP) deepwater project in Sabah.

“The safe and successful start-up of Malikai in December 2016 is a high point for us.

“This highest engineering recognition honours the many engineers and workers within the Malikai project team from Shell, partners, contractors and subcontractors who have shown remarkable creativity, resilience and the greatest level of professionalism in delivering this historic project,” said Malikai project manager Momas Modon as he received the award during the recent 58th IEM annual dinner and awards night.

The Malikai project was the first deep-water TLP in Malaysia and the first Shell TLP outside of the Gulf of Mexico.

It includes a number of innovative technologies to unlock deep-water resources safely and efficiently.

“More than just a mega-structure of firsts, Malikai brought capability development and contributed significantly to the national agenda of local content.

“The platform construction has generated new jobs and business, with much of the work being carried out in Malaysia,” said IEM president Tan Yean Chin.

Malikai features a cost-effective platform design and a unique, industry-first set of risers, or pipes that connect the platform to the wells for oil production, which required fewer drilling materials and lowered costs.

“Most importantly, the Malikai project is designed in Malaysia, built by Malaysian fabricators and operated by Malaysians.

“It supports the country’s aspiration to be a hub for deep-water oil and gas within the region, bringing significant technology into Malaysia to nurture and develop local capability and capacity,” said Shell Malaysia chairman Datuk Iain Lo.