
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Govt plans to train advanced NDT experts

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is an important field in engineering and science that can save time and money in product testing and research, but Malaysia has fewer than 20 experts in advanced methods in the field.

However, Malaysian Nuclear Agency senior director of commercialisation & technology planning programmes Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamed Hashim hopes the agency will be able to start a training programme in advanced NDT techniques within three to five years.

“NDT can test materials for defects, leaks or corrosion without ruining the sample or having to shut (a system) down,” he said, adding that shutting a critical system down for even one day could cost a company millions.

He said the Skills Development Department (JPK) is developing a national occupational skill standard (NOSS) for an advanced NDT programme.

“Once that is done, we will see if we have the trainers, experts, equipment and facilities to meet NOSS requirements and start our programme,” he said.

The continuing advancement of NDT will contribute to economic prosperity, increased competitiveness and the nation’s advancement, Dr Zulkifli said.

“The Malaysian Nuclear Agency is always ready to provide facilities and discussions for NDT techniques, whether conventional or advanced.”